


Things to do before undergoing an orthopaedic surgery

Things to do before undergoing an orthopaedic surgery


Antara Care Homes

The world has been battling the coronavirus for almost two years now. While most of us have stayed home and safe, many patients have had to visit hospitals due to pressing orthopedic concerns that required immediate surgery like trauma, spine injuries, joints injuries or fractures and soft tissue injury management etc. Majority of these patients are seniors who have been deemed particularly vulnerable to COVID-19. But in most cases among geriatric patients, it is almost impossible to postpone surgery due to the increased risk of complications.

With the looming threat of COVID-19, how can patients ensure that they have undergone the right pre-surgery prep?

Surgery and its post-operative care are undeniably important in getting the patient to bounce back to their former health status. However, bones and joints related pre-operative care, especially during these pandemic times, is just as critical.

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Medical History: Before going in for orthopedic surgery, the patient must ensure that the doctor has details about their medical history, comorbidities, and comprehensive reports like X-Rays, MRI scans, and blood work reports. It is crucial for the surgeon to know all about prescribed medication, allergies, and any over-the-counter medicines that they consume.

Caretaker Information: Post orthopedic surgeries involving spine injuries, knee replacement, or deformity correction, patients may be entirely dependent on a caregiver for their basic necessities. The primary caretaker should also be aware of the details of the surgery and any potential complications that may arise after it.

Pre-surgery exercises: Many geriatric patients who have had hip or knee discomfort stop exercising or moving around because of the pain it causes. Ortho surgeons recommend that patients who are in line for surgery, must have an exercise plan that will slowly help them gain mobility in their joints. This would also aid in a smooth recovery process after the surgery.

Weight loss: For procedures like Achilles’ tendon rupture, knee replacement, joints replacement surgery, or fracture treatment, orthopedic doctors often recommend that overweight patients lose a few pounds before surgery. This is because excess weight puts undue pressure on limbs and joints, which can significantly slow down the healing process.

Dietary restrictions: On the days leading to the surgery, it is imperative that the patient follows a strict, nutritious diet that includes protein, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables or as advised by the Doctor. Foods that increase inflammation like alcohol, caffeine, and sugar must be avoided. Consult a nutritionist who can formulate the right meal plan for the patient. On the day of the surgery, most patients are encouraged to consume solid food six to eight hours before surgery and liquids up to two hours pre-surgery.

Anaesthesia: It is vital for patients to understand the type of anesthetic that will be administered to them on the day of surgery. It can be local, regional, or general, and each can have a variety of reactions or side effects, depending on the patient. While general anesthesia is the preferred choice for major orthopedic surgeries, regional anesthesia is used when operating on extremities like an arm or a foot.

Quarantining post-surgery: Make sure that the patient and the caretaker have made arrangements to quarantine in a safe, infection-free zone post-surgery. Patients are at a high risk of contracting infections or COVID-19 during the post-op stage. Moreover, orthopedic patients have limited mobility in the weeks following the surgery. Therefore, having the right setup to isolate safely is the key to staying healthy and recovering faster.

Opting to undergo a hip or knee replacement can be quite overwhelming, more so with the ongoing cases of COVID-19 in the country. However, the right care service provider by your side, can go a long way in easing some of the worries related to the surgery. Antara Care Homes have a full-fledged team of trained and certified medical professionals who can support the patient, right from pre-operative care to the day of surgery and can be their choice for post-surgical care as well.

Getting the patient accustomed to our facilities and care homes will help set their mind at ease as they are wheeled into surgery. Our wellness programs are designed to include the right exercises, diet, and rehabilitation therapies, to help the patient in a safe and protected environment. If you or a loved one is considering pre or post-surgical care after an orthopaedicprocedure / surgery, call us at +91 9811 44 1111 or drop us a line at carehomes@antaraseniorcare.com to know more about Antara Care Homes, located in Delhi NCR, Gurgaon and Dehradun.

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