


Things to do after undergoing an orthopaedic surgery

Things to do after undergoing an orthopaedic surgery


Antara Care Homes

Post-operative care plays a critical role in ensuring patients do not face any complications and make a full recovery, more so in the case of geriatric patients. While hip replacement, knee replacement, and spine replacement surgeries are needed by a majority of seniors to improve mobility and quality of life, there are other cases that require immediate surgical care like spine injuries, fracture treatment, soft tissue injury management, and Achilles’ tendon rupture.

With a devastating second wave and possibility of a third wave in the near future, the COVID-19 pandemic has only increased the importance of a well charted post-operative care plan. The care plan helps patients in rehabilitation after surgery, prevent infections or any other complications, and heal the surgical wound.

What are the things one must keep in mind to make a quick and healthy recovery after an orthopedic surgery?

Geriatric patients require a specialized care plan owing to their age and other health concerns. It is also important to understand that each surgery requires a specific post-operative care plan. In cases like joint replacement i.e.,knee replacement surgery or hip replacement surgery, post-surgical care plays a crucial role in restoring mobility of patients and cases like spine injuries require dedicated care to prevent any infection. If taken casually, patients may develop serious complications that can lead to severe impairments in future or several re-do procedures / correction surgeries.

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Care after a replacement surgery:

Hip replacement
After a hip replacement surgery patients must avoid activities that could strain or dislocate the hip joint. The caregiver should ensure patients does not sit up straight on the bed, bring their legs together, or take any posture that requires them to excessively bend over the hip. A physical therapist will help with slow and gradual hip movements to slowly gain increased mobility and strength. After hip replacement surgery, physical therapy is key to prevent a limp and regain complete body movement.

Knee replacement
For knee replacement surgery, physiotherapy is an integral part of the rehabilitation plan. Regular exercises to strengthen the legs and slowly restore mobility with the support and guidance of a certified caregiver or physiotherapist is important for geriatric patients to make a healthy recovery. After a knee replacement surgery, the initial days are quite hard on seniors as they have very limited mobility, are under a lot of pain, and are dependent on caregivers for even basic daily activities. Caregivers also need to ensure dressing is changed, medication is given on time, and swelling is taken care of as well.

Whether it’s joint or knee replacement, patients must avoid climbing stairs for the first few months’ post-surgery. Climbing stairs puts excess pressure, can cause a lot of pain, and even complications in some cases. In most orthopedic surgery postoperative care involves physical and occupational therapy, for patients to make a better and faster recovery.

Spinal injuries and spinal disorders
In case of spinal surgeries, it is important to ensure the wound from the incision is kept clean to prevent any infection. The area around the incision could have swelling and cause a lot of pain to the patient as well. Treating the area with ice can help with the swelling and pain. Change of dressing whenever required and proper care to ensure the incision heals well is an integral part of the recovery process.

Fracture treatment, soft tissue injury management, and Achilles’ tendon rupture
Similar to spinal treatments, ensuring the incision wound is dressed and kept clean is crucial to prevent any microbial infections. While the wound heals, therapies like cold or heat will be prescribed by the orthopedic surgeon to control the pain and swelling. Like most other surgeries, a rehabilitation plan plays an essential role here as well, to regain strength and mobility without any complications.

Why is post-operative care important after orthopaedic surgery?
The post-operative period is critical for geriatric patients who undergo orthopaedic surgery. Apart from infections and complications, extended hospitalization periods or regular visits are also a cause of concern because of the current restriction in place due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Senior citizens are also categorized under the high-risk of vulnerability, making post-operative care a very tedious and worrying task for families. Care given during this period is critical as it helps patients rehabilitate, gain mobility, and aids in pain management.

With a team of certified professionals and all medical facilities, Antara Care Homes provide a safe and comfortable environment for seniors to recuperate and rehabilitate post-surgery. Our caregivers are trained in post-operative senior care and help with physio and other wellness therapy services to aid their recovery. Within the Care Homes resides a fully-equipped physiotherapy center with trained and experienced physiotherapists who interact with the patients on regular basis. Furthermore, the Care Homes also provide wheelchair friendly infrastructure and motion light sensors for ease in mobility.

Antara Care Homes, located in GK-II Delhi and Gurgaon are fully sanitized and follow all safety protocols as our patients’ health and safety are of paramount importance to us. To know more about our pre or post-operative care facilities call us at +91 9811 44 1111 or drop us a line at carehomes@antaraseniorcare.com

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