


Benefits Of Home Critical Care

Benefits Of Home Critical Care


Care at Home

Intensive Care Units or ICUs are dedicated units for patients who are in need of constant care. However, when a patient needs long term ICU care, many doctors recommend that such care to be provided at home, if possible. The patients are comfortable at home and healing can happen without the threat of hospital acquired infections.

Home Critical Care is equivalent to an ICU and is designed for patients who need intensive care services in the comfort of their homes. It helps patients return home faster from the hospital yet continue with a high standard of healthcare at home.

While opting for Home Critical Care is a personal option, there are many emotional, medical and rational reasons for moving a patient from an Intensive Care Unit to one’s home for critical care.

Expert Senior Care, Apno Jaisi

Home Critical Care can cater to various types of ailments. To name a few: patients who are recovering after a prolonged stay in the ICU, neurological patients, patients with spinal/brain injuries, post-transplant patients, end-of-life care patients, cancer patients, patients with end-stage respiratory disorders, patients on Ventilator and more.

Opting for Home Critical Care has several advantages: both medical and personal.

• With the correct partner, the quality of healthcare is not compromised on moving a patient from an ICU to home setup

• The setup allows unrestricted visits by relatives and friends. It also enables convenient access to personal belongings, such as books, computers, tablets, TV, music players, and more leading to better management of patient’s needs and comfort.

• Continuing critical care at home is considered cost-effective and affordable alternative to the hospital ICU.

ICU treatment in a hospital result in high medical costs while the treatment itself isolates patients from their families while the studies show that living and recovering in a familiar environment has many psychological benefits including feelings of security and emotional support, leading to quicker recovery of the patient.

Antara Care at Home services bring in the entire health care ecosystem to the comfort and convenience of one’s home. With Antara as a trusted health care partner, it offers personalized care and attention by a team of highly trained professionals who ensure holistic care to the patients. The team works under the guidance and supervision of reputed clinicians with responsibility, responsiveness, and a keen eye for detail.

Antara offers a comprehensive solution with 12x7 or 24x7 nurse & attendants on site with regular team leader and doctor visits. The team ensures there is continuity of care wherein the treatment plans are co-created with the treating doctor with regular patient vital monitoring and reporting. Clinical protocols are followed with regular clinical assessment, clinical audits, and ensure infection control at home. The team offers infrastructure setup with complete room setup and fumigation with the required medical equipment. Antara’s Home Critical Care is a one stop shop for all care requirements of the patient and ease of coordination.

To learn more about our Antara Care at Home - Home Critical Care services, visit our website or call at +91 98114 41111.

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