


Why healthcare at home is a good idea for seniors

Why healthcare at home is a good idea for seniors


Care at home

Like the changing trends in fashion, music and lifestyle, healthcare industry also reflects changes with a shift in values for each generation.

While the research shows elders prefer to stay at home as long as possible despite ageing ailments with changes in health, mobility and cognition, one also needs to be cognizant that juggling work, personal health, family needs and eldercare can be overwhelming for a care giver, especially, in case of illness.

Furthermore, with kids living miles away or traveling frequently for work, constant support both emotionally and physically for seniors at home becomes difficult. Often demands and pressure of providing constant care along with everyday work life can lead to physical, emotional and mental exhaustion for the caregiver. Thus, healthcare at home is a good idea for seniors and is a beneficial choice for both seniors and family caregivers.

Expert Senior Care, Apno Jaisi

Safety, Comfort and Convenience

The first and foremost advantage for opting healthcare at home is the comfort of the patient. Research shows that seniors recover faster at home than hospitals with fewer complications. The familial surroundings, own room, bed and bathroom, continuous familiar faces, all assist in the speedy recovery of the patient. What’s more, elders can stick to their routines and maintain a sense of normalcy.

Independence and Companionship

Most elderly people prefer to be independent. They do not like to admit that they are not fully functional and need support with everyday chores. Care at home allows that option. Furthermore, family and relatives can meet at their convenience and much more frequently as compared to hospitals, which allows seniors to socialise with comfort.

Professional and family caregivers

The caregivers can alternate between professional and family caregivers, as per the comfort of the senior. While the medical and hygiene can be taken care by a professional, the companionship can be provided by the family which often leads to speedy recovery without creating a strenuous situation for the family.

Prevents avoidable trips to hospital

Care at Home services offers regular monitoring of vitals and constant care. Medical professionals at home are capable of administering injections and drips, treat discomfort and assist in fall prevention. Furthermore, professionals are in constant touch with the treating clinician which can assist in prevention of emergencies and or any side-effects from the treating medicines.

Personalised Care

With one-on-one caregivers to patient ratio, care at home ensures that seniors get personalised care. Complete focus to the one patient increases efficiency in caring, timely medicinal administration, and provides immediate attentiveness in case of any complications helps in recovery.

Affordable and Economical

Treatments in the hospital, especially post-operative recovery takes longer for seniors. This can lead to burning-a-hole in the pocket. Studies show that cost of care at home is much less as compared to hospitals. It also takes away the emotional burden for family to manage hospital visits with everyday work life.

Today’s elderly population is aging in a different way and there are more ways to allow people to age in place.

Antara Care at Home is a trusted solution for keeping loved ones safe, happy, and comfortable as they age. With a well-established legacy of Max, Antara offers all of the above advantages as a comprehensive solution with round-the-clock attendant and regular doctor visits. Treatment and nutrition plans are co-created with the treating clinician while following clinical and COVID-19 protocols. What’s more, Antara understands the complications that arise with multiple contact points when a senior is hospitalised from various levels of medical staff to administrative services and therefore, it offers one point of contact for coordination.

To know more on the services, you can download the brochure or visit www.antaraseniorcare.com or call +91 9811441111.

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